

Powered by UrbiStat

UrbiStat sede

UrbiStat is an Italian corporation operating in more than 30 European Countries. Statistical, economic and technological skills enabled UrbiStat to provide high quality data and analysis, accessible through new technologies.

For further informazion

Website – www.urbistat.com
Email – info@urbistat.com


Not just a software, but an experience! Share your opinion about Monitora on Capterra

Not just a software, but an experience! Share your opinion about Monitora on Capterra

We are pleased to have you as a Monitora client and appreciate your support.

We would like to know what you think about our web platform and how we can improve our service. Your opinion is valuable to us and will help us make Monitora even better for all our customers.

Therefore, we kindly ask you to take a few minutes to leave a review on Capterra.

Your review will help us to:

  • Show other potential customers the value of Monitora,
  • Identify areas where we can improve our service,
  • Develop new features that meet your needs.

Any feedback you have, positive or negative, is important to us. Your honest opinion will help us grow and improve.

Thank you for your time and valuable contribution.

P.S. If you have already left a review on Capterra, we thank you again for your support!


Writing a review is quick and easy, just click on the following link: