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Monitora Software

Monitora is a web-based platform which allows to analyse the reviews which the users/customers release on-line about the retail structures they visited.


Statistical sample of 40.000+ structures in Italy for a total of 10 Mln reviews and 4 Mln reviewers


Interprets the comments left by the users and  identifies the positive/negative opinions (Sentiment)


Evaluates your on-line score on the web across time and compares it with that of your main competitors

Online 24h/24

No installation. Automatic upgrades . Multi-platform (smartphone, tablet, computer)

Analyses the reviews according to geographic area,

market sector and brand

Monitora analyses the reviews of 40.000+ structures geocoded on the territory and belonging to different market sectors


Millions of Reviews


Millions of Users


Thousand Structures


Shopping Centres

The reviews, constantly anlysed, make reference to structures operating in the following market fields:

Shopping centres

Retail Park

Factory Outlet

Electronics & IT







GDO Food

Drug Store & Pet Store

UrbiStat, leader company in Geomarketing research, complementing its own services retail real estate sector, has created and developed the innovative platform Monitora, a web application for the analysis of online reviews. Thanks to the experience acquired over time through relations with large realities and to technological and statistical skills, Monitora makes use of sophisticated algorithms in order to show accurate, updated and easy-to-interpret data.

Every day, we say – How can we keep this customer happy? How can we get ahead in innovation by doing this because if we don't, somebody else will. (Bill Gates)

It is indisputable that online reviews are acquiring an increasing importance in the purchase  decisional process. The spread of mobile devices and the availability of information allow people to be informed in advance and influence their purchase choices. This is the reason why every supply chain should pay attention to the reviews left by the users after they visited  the point of sale/physical store.
Analysing the reviews individually may lead to misleading results: good opinions about a specific topic may result poor when all the competitors get excellent reviews about the same topic. Moreover, a comparative analysis at national level with the main competitors highlights aspects which otherwise would hardly be visible.


Data And Rankings In Real Time

Verify your positioning on the Web: every time, everywhere


The main features of Monitora

    Monitora is a platform accessible via web,  24h/24h, and through any device (PC, Tablet or smartphone)
    The reviews are downloaded costantly (once a day, at least) for all the structures surveyed

    Currently, the surveyed structures are approximately 40.000+  but it is possible to require the download of the reviews also for structures which are not surveyed yet: in this case, all the past reviews will be downloaded.
    Once defined all the structures, whose reviews will be monitored, a check/correction of the localization on the map and of other attributes (ex. the name, the address, the associated website, etc.) will be made
    All the analyses undertaken in Monitora can be exported in Excel
    The analyses present in Monitora and also the semantic interpretation of the text are subject to constant evaluations, updates and improvements


The main functionalities of Monitora

SCORES Analysis 

Score analysis (average score) in trend and of the % of satisfied customers with reference to a point of sale, a brand or a market category with the chance to insert benchmaarks, to define time intervals and/or geographic areas and to segment according to sex.


POSITIONING & TRENDS – Customized creation of line graphs, area graphs, scatter graphs by using all the analyses and the filters present in the platform.
BEHAVIOR Analysis – It allows to analyse the number of customers/users which have modified their review (making it better or worse), measures how often the owner answers to the reviews and offers an estimate of the traffic within the strucutre/shop for time of the day and day of the week.

USERS Analysis

It enables to calculate the % of male and female, to identify in which hours/days the highest number of reviews are concentrated and to define the % of customers/users shared with other structures (ex. competitors) comparing their opinions. 

MATRIX Analysis

It allows to generate comparison matrices between different structures  or point of sales of a chain on the basis of the medium score (ranking), of the number of reviews, of the % of  thrilled people and more with the chance to define time intervals and/or geographic areas and to segment according to sex. 


Through the semantic analysis of the comment released by the customer/user, the positive/negative opinions are identified and bundled according to the topic (prices, staff, restrooms, car park, entertainment activities, menu, cleaning, etc.) according to the market sector they belong to (shopping centre, restaurant, clothes shop, etc.); the most frequent opinions (positive and negative) are reported; finally, it is possible to compare the results relative to a shop or a brand (ex. competitor) in order to recognize strengths and weaknesses.


All the reviews can be selected through customized filters and examined individually. If you are the owner of the structure to which the review is directed, it is possible to answer quickly connecting directly from the software.

Ask the demo for free
Contact us and we will send you via mail all the data to access to the platform Monitora. No installation is required. A person will follow you and will be available to answer to any question.
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